Strategic Plan
In the spring of 2018, Veritas Christian Academy launched our a Foundation for Life strategic five year plan with the accomplishment goal of 2023. Summer 2018 served as the public announcement through the official publication of the Strategic Plan. A Foundation for Life outlines four specific goals that will guide our process of continual improvement.
A Foundation for Life was born out of an intensive self-study and research process that incorporated various school constituency - students, parents, alumni, faculty, and administration. The process also included the creation and implementation of a Strategic Planning subcommittee, who helped to formulate the four goals of continued improvement.
2018-2023 Strategic Plan
Strategic Goals
Enhance Programs & Curriculum
Through our programs and curriculum we strive to be both classical and innovative. We have identified several key areas to enhance our programs and curriculum over the next five years.
Transform Campus & Facilities
We aim to expand the overall educational experience of our students through targeted facility transformation. To accomplish this, we will update and renovate existing facilities to improve and create new learning spaces.
The Raad Learning Center (Library and Collaborative Technology Lab)
Foundation Hall (Multiuse Auditorium and Fine Arts Center)
Maintain Financial Sustainability
In order for Veritas to realize its strategic potential throughout the next several years, we will balance various objectives to maintain institutional financial health. The following goals have been established to ensure our long-term sustainability.
Develop our Faculty
The heart of Veritas' appeal is in the school's meaningful relationships that provide transformative learning. Our dedicated teachers demonstrate authentic interest in the development of our students' intellect and character. We strive to create a faculty full of individuals that are intellectually curious, compassionate, engaging, and challenging our students to be their best. The school's greatest investment, for student success, is its faculty. Through various initiatives, our goal is to support, strengthen, and further cultivate excellence in teaching.