The National Honor Society

“Coram Deo” Chapter

The National Honor Society is a reputable organization, founded in 1929, that promotes appropriate recognition for students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in the area of scholarship, character, leadership, citizenship, and service. NHS is offered to Grades 5-6 in the form of the National Elementary Honor Society. NHS is offered to Grades 7-8 in the form of the National Junior Honor Society.  

Requirements for NHS at Veritas: 

  • GPA: A consistent GPA of 3.8 or above must be recorded at Veritas for a minimum of two quarters and one semester. 
  • Behavior:: All S or E in conduct on progress reports and report cards
  • Community Service: Half of the required community service hours must be completed during the summer and submitted on the first day of school. Thirty (30) total community service hours (20 hours for Grade 5) must be completed and submitted by the first school day after Christmas Break (in January).
  • Faculty Council: A Student Information Form must be filled out by the student and submitted to the NHS Coordinator by the requested date. Upon receipt of this form, a student must be approved by a Faculty Council, consisting of Middle School teachers and the NHS faculty advisor. Only teachers who have taught the student will have a voice in the approval process

Induction Ceremony:  A ceremony to induct new members is held each year at the end of January 

Probation: All NHS members are evaluated each quarter. If a student’s GPA, conduct, or community service hours are deficient, s/he will be placed on probation for one quarter, during which s/he must rectify the violation in order to remain an NHS member in good standing

Expulsion: If a student fails to correct the violation within the probationary period, s/he will be dismissed from NHS and must reapply the following school year to be readmitted 


NHS Forms