Frequently Asked Questions

Simply follow the 4-step process outlined on our Admissions Process page. Please review the application requirements for the grade your child will be applying to next school year. Once we have received all requested documents for the application process, completed files will be reviewed by the Admissions Committee.
Apply by January 31, 2022, for first-round considerations.
After the First Round Considerations, all applications will be reviewed and considered on a rolling admissions basis. 
Gesell Developmental Testing (GDO-R) for PreK3 - 1st Grade applicants (Registration Below)

The GDO-R is administered at Veritas and part of the admission process. Please contact our Admissions Office for scheduling the developmental assessment. 

$100 administration fee for the Gesell Developmental Testing (GDO-R)
ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) for 2nd - 8th grade applicants

Please contact our Admissions Office to schedule on-campus testing of the ISEE. 

If taking the ISEE exam at a different location other than Veritas, please have it sent directly to Veritas by the ERB Center. The Veritas ISEE number is 447624.

Early Care: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
Regular School Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:45 p.m. 
After Care: 3:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Our student/faculty ratio is 8:1. The average class sizes school-wide are 14 students.
An entrance assessment allows us to compare applicants to our current students and helps us to determine if there is a good fit. Test scores are only one part of the application process. The entire application consists of teacher and principal/director recommendations, previous grades and standardized test scores, and the visit/interview - which are then reviewed by the Admissions Committee individually and as a group.
Admission Committee decisions are typically mailed in mid-March for those applying for first-round consideration. Thereafter, all applications will be considered once all required documents have been received, and families will be notified shortly after.

Our graduates attend a variety of schools in the Houston area.

Independent and Private Schools

Episcopal High School
Fort Bend Christian Academy
Houston Christian High School
Providence Classical School
Second Baptist School
St. Agnes Academy
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory
St. John’s School
St. Pius X High School
St. Thomas High School
St. Thomas’ Episcopal
Westbury Christian School


Public Schools

Bellaire High School
Carnegie Vanguard High School
DeBakey High School
Dulles High School (FBISD)
Energy Institute High School
Harmony Science Academy
High School for the Performing and Visual Arts
Lamar High School
By ‘classical’ we mean the methodology of the Trivium, which seeks to identify appropriate analogies of grammar, dialectic and rhetoric in all subjects, and to teach all subjects in a manner consistent with the appropriate stage of development of the child. We also regard classical education in the context of the classical search for wisdom and virtue through the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty. If you would like to understand more about classical education, read Dorothy Sayers' The Lost Tools of Learning.
Foreign language at Veritas is considered core to our classical curriculum.
PreK3 - Grade 1: French
Grade 2 - Grade 5: Latin
Grade 6 - Grade 8: Spanish
Yes. Specific information about uniforms can be found on our Uniform and Policy page.
Team sports begin in middle school. Veritas currently fields the following teams:
Fall Sports
Girls Volleyball
Boys Flag Football

Winter Sports
Boys and Girls Basketball

Spring Sports
Co-ed Tennis
Co-ed Track & Field